
How I Treated My Dientamoeba fragilis Naturally

The Natural Way To Treat Dientamoeba fragilis

Although Dientamoeba fragilis is not a parasite which is commonly spoken of, recent research identifies not only a significant prevalence but also that, unlike many intestinal bacteria which produce no symptoms in patients, Dientamoeba fragilis usually does.

In a study concerning Australian 6,750 patients with gastrointestinal issues who had stool samples analyzed, 0.9 percent of them tested positive for Dientomoeba fragilis. The most common symptoms manifesting in these patients were diarrhea and abdominal pain. This survey reflects several others and confirms that D. Fragilis is often found in patients with gastric issues and also those where there is a recurring problem.

It would seem that that not only is Dientomoeba fragilis a significant causation of digestive issues, but that it can be prominent even in environments which are considered to have high sanitary standards. This is due to the same study establishing that only 10% of the patients affected by the bacteria had undergone travel to countries where sanitation was considered to be substandard.

Because this pathogen is one which responds to treatment reflecting that of other commensal microflora when an overgrowth or pathogenic problem occurs, then three aspects should be focused upon when providing a natural treatment:

1) Eliminate the pathogen
2) Support the beneficial microflora so it can assist in overwhelming the pathogen naturally
3) Support the immune system so the natural defense mechanism of the body can also overwhelm the pathogen

Although infections from other forms of pathogen are often shown to be opportunistic in that they will, particularly in the case of yeasts, invade a person whose immune system is somehow impaired, this appears not the be the case with D. Fragilis. Studies have shown that the pathogen is shown to predominate in people, who although they may be ill, have no problem with their immune system. However this does not mean that the immune system should not be supported in this instance only that it is less important when it comes to this particular overgrowth.

Neither when it comes to infection by this pathogen does it seem to leave the patient unaffected as it does with others which show that people can have the bacteria but no symptoms. In the control group used no patient had the infection, and correspondingly they did not have symptoms either. However it did sometimes exist in affected patients at the same time as other pathogens which produce atypical reactions and which do affect those who are immune deficient so it is best to treat both as a possibility.

To clear the pathogen naturally it is necessary to approach it by both dietary means and preferably natural supplements which can support the natural defense system of the body.

Firstly it helps to starve the pathogen by reducing the amount of sugar intake. This is done through an elimination process which means that initially you abstain from ingesting all sugars wherever possible. This includes not only basic sugars but also those in junk and packaged food, baked goods, fruit, dairy and alcohol. When it comes to dairy sugar it must also be remembered that often it appears as lactose in many foods which can include tinned goods. Many people remark that they do not eat dairy in the form of milk, cheese or similar products, however simply by eliminating these does not mean you are eliminating lactose which is the problematic issue. Remember to check all labeling on products, including supplements and other drugs, to see if lactose is included in the ingredient list.

The one exception to excluding dairy is that of probiotics. Although many natural practitioners have long since recommended taking a probiotic daily this has, until recently, not been in the remit of orthodox medicine. However now studies are being performed which prove that patients taking a probiotic even in conjunction with a prescribed drug, see much better improvements in many illnesses which arise from pathogenic infestation and cause gastric distress.

Yogurt, probiotic drinks and even kefir if you can find it, are really essential in building up the beneficial bacteria in the body and restoring the balance within the digestive tract which helps to overwhelm the pathogen in the most natural way possible.

After 2 weeks on the elimination diet, and if symptoms have improved substantially, then you can start reintroducing certain foods. However when it comes to alcohol, sweet stuff and candy, junk food and sodas, it is highly recommended that these are excluded for much longer if not permanently where it is reasonable.

Taking a supplement with the elimination diet can also help. Canxida Remove and Canxida Restore both provide ingredients which are natural and which are proven to help fight digestive disturbances relating to pathogenic overgrowth. Restore contains many probiotics which can support the healthy gut flora and Remove contains ingredients such as Black Walnut and garlic which are known to naturally overwhelm pathogens. Garlic in particular is also known to breach biofilms where pathogens are now known to hide and neither does it trigger these pathogens to strengthen their reserves against attack. This is a situation which is known now to occur with many chemically synthesized drugs including antibiotics and antifungals. It also contains numerous other natural ingredients in addition to many other compounds which will also support the immune system and others such as Betaine Hydrochloride which assist with balancing the pH of the digestive tract. This is also necessary to help absorb undecylenic acid which is a natural and extremely effective antifungal derived from the castor bean, but which needs an acidic rather than alkaline environment to work.

When it comes to ingesting products which can induce and aggravate infections caused by pathogens then we must also look at medications. Those which are known to cause problems either directly or indirectly include: antacids, proton pump inhibitors, corticosteriods, NSAIDs and oral contraceptive pill. All of these can negatively influence the natural balance of the intestinal gut flora or pH of the digestive tract. This means that the beneficial microflora which usually far outnumber the pathogenic organisms lose their natural ability to overwhelm pathogens seeking to damage the body.

Considering the number of people suffering from gastrointestinal disturbances due to pathogenic organisms, it may well be worth discussing alternative treatments with your clinician.